worldThumbBeginning September 8 we will be looking at God as Creator while celebrating the mysteries and wonders of creation. We take the lead from the psalmists who exhort us to celebrate together with creation – with animals, trees, oceans and fields who praise the Creator in their own way. We celebrate the planet that God has chosen for us. We will engage in understanding our life on this planet and how we are to be a part of all of creation and that we are stewards of all that God has created.


Week 1- From the Cosmos

Week 2- Into the Storms

Week 3- Who is the Creator?

Week 4- Survival of the Fittest

In addition to this four week series, there will be a midweek Bible study that will generate a greater understanding of each week’s theme. This is a great opportunity to discuss as a group new concepts that have been addressed, discern your role in creation and spend time with others.  Cristina Beauchemin will be leading the Bible study each week with practical ways to engage in discussion, understand your role in creation and create lasting relationships. A special sustainable dinner will be served each week before class. Each meal will be prepared with all organic ingredients from local area vendors. We are looking for a few good cooks to help with weekly crock pot creations and simple salads. If you are interested please contact [email protected] and let her know.

We Are Stewards of Creation Bible Study

Wednesday Evenings Sept 11,18,25 and Oct 2, 6:30-8:30

Join in a weekly lively discussion on the past weeks sermon themes. Each week participants will go deeper into the readings and discuss with one another what these meanings mean to them and to their life. The study is meant to engage individuals into understanding God as Creator and our role as stewards on this planet.  We will also have a specially prepared sustainable dinner each week from 6:30-7:00 at the low cost of $5 a person however, save $1 by walking, biking or carpooling with someone that does not live in your home. We are looking for a few good cooks to help with weekly crock pot creations and simple salads. If you are interested please contact [email protected] and let her know.

Low cost Childcare will be available for registered participants.

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